Greetings from your friends at Sew Fabulous
Hello From Sew Fabulous,
Greetings - Hope you're all doing well during this cold snap in Southwest Michigan. I had a 12-hour power outage at my home Friday night and I'm really thankful to those Consumers Energy technicians who got us back up and running. Someone told me that it's amazing how 10 degrees below zero makes you appreciate when it becomes 20 degrees above zero outside. THREAD OF THE WEEK: These threads will be 10% off January 20-27 Isacord #1760 - Twine Isacord #3730 - Something Blue JUST A FEW MORE DAYS LEFT TO GET YOUR ENTRY IN FOR THIS GREAT GIVEAWAY! We still have some great learning and gathering opportunities. Won't you join us for... EMBROIDERY CLUB: Friday, January 26, 2024 @ 1:00-4:00. Go to for all the details and to sign up.
FOCUS ON FREE MOTION: This has been a hugely popular program and we're trying to make it available to those who cannot make it during a weekday. You choose the day and time that works best for you - the second Friday of each month from 4:00-6:00 or the second Satruday of each month from 10:00-Noon. There are 6 sessions included in the class fee. Go to for more details and to sign up.
FEBRUARY IN-HOUSE RETREAT: There are still a few seats available. Go to for more details and to sign up.
BAG CLASS: I just added a class for the new ByAnnie Payday bag. I need at least 4 people to sign up for this class in order to have it so bring a friend. Go to for the details and to sign up. There is pre-work required with this class.
Here's a sneak peak at one of the newest machines from BERNINA. It's a QUILTER'S EDITION SERGER...Yes, you read that correctly - a Serger. Not only are they bringing us this beautiful serger, but they are also including lots of great gifts including a fabric kit to make a quilt designed by Amanda Murphy. I'm so excited about this! I hope you are too. |
MONDAY-WEDNESDAY: January 22-24: In-House Retreat THURSDAY: January 25, Noon-5:00: Sit 'N Sew. Cost $3 which is returned with $3+ purchase that day. FRIDAY: January 26, 1:00-4:00: Embroidery Club SATURDAY:January 27, 10:00-3:30: bernette 77/79 Workshop Have a wonderful week! I hope to see you soon. Heidi |
600 Romence Road, Ste 130 (in the Hillside Center) Portage, MI 49024 (269) 459-1725 VIRTUAL TOUR: From I-94W take Exit 76, stay left to go south on Westnedge Ave. Turn right on Romence Rd. Turn right into the Hillside Center drive, just past the mall entrance on Romence Road. |